
Brand Design


芝子乌托邦|Brand Design

芝子乌托邦(Cheese Utopia)是一家专注健康天然食品的烘培店,致力于将传统烘培艺术与现代健康食材相结合,通过巧妙的搭配和碰撞,创造出独特的点心。梦想与美味的缔造者,致力于为您提供一个充满温馨和甜蜜的乌托邦——一个充满爱、希望和美味的世界,我们用心烘培每一份产品,让每一位顾客都能在这里找到属于自己的那份小确幸。


Cheese Utopia is a bakery focused on healthy and natural foods, dedicated to combining traditional baking art with modern healthy ingredients, through clever matching and collision, to create unique snacks. The creator of dreams and delicacies is committed to providing you with a utopia full of warmth and sweetness - a world full of love, hope and delicacy. We bake every product carefully, so that every customer can find their own little happiness here.
In the design process, we watched the various forms and production processes of bread and dessert, the process of tasting dessert and food will make people feel happy and sweet, and generate a pleasant mood. From this point, we visually created a lot of colorful food, like love and hope, in the delicious world, the moment of enjoying food will also bring you a pleasant mood. I hope that every customer will feel warm and sweet when they get the product.


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Client: 品牌设计

Date: 2024

Project team:Wisdom Design

Brand director: Sophie

Copywrite: Sumo